We, at ZenActive Therapy, aim to support you through your physical imbalances. Whether it be chronic or acute, our Registered Massage Therapists are here to assist you.
What is it?
Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues in the body. Soft tissues include your muscles, connective tissue such as fascia, ligaments/tendons and your joints. RMT’s are trained to assess any soft tissue and musculoskeletal conditions. Massage therapy also has a huge effect on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems of the body – these coincide with all physical conditions being treated. RMT’s are trained to provide an assessment of current conditions, give an approximate prognosis of injury and provide you with the appropriate home-care needed.
What makes ZenActive Therapy unique is that on top of western medicine principles, we use eastern medicine philosophies in our treatments to provide the best overall care for each patient.
What We Treat
We treat a variety of conditions and injuries. A few examples are listed below.
Cant find your condition or injury on the list? Contact us and let us know how we can help you!
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Headaches/Migraines, Concussions
Stress and Anxiety
Arthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Pregnancy Massage
Muscular and Pain Conditions
Sports-Related Injuries
Ligamentous/Tendinous Injuries
Nervous System Conditions
MS (multiple sclerosis)
Nerve compression
And More!
The rate schedule is as follows:
30 minutes - $84
45 minutes - $110.25
60 minutes - $131.25
90 minutes - $194.25
*All prices include applicable taxes and service fees.