Restoring + Improving Qi
Using Traditional Chinese Medicine through the use of acupuncture to restore and improve energy flow (Qi pronounced βChiβ) within ones body
What is it?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient practice that includes cupping, acupuncture and herbology. A TCM practitioner is trained in both western and eastern medicine practices so that they can effectively treat patients. They specialize in TCM theory and acupoints. TCM practitioners are trained in herbal education such as dosage, toxicity and endangered species. They are trained in safety and hazard management. To understand a person's situation properly they are trained in communication and ethics. Upon arrival, practitioner will have a consultation, pulse and tongue diagnosis and then will be assessed. Depending on the patient, the practitioner will decide which method they is best for the patient and start performing after consent and assessment.
Acupuncture is the most common, includes puncturing very thin needles through the skin to connect with meridians on the body that connect to a specific organ. Acupuncturists can manipulate points along these meridians called acupoints with the needles to balance the bodies Qi, blood, body fluids and yin/yang. All diseases are caused by an imbalance in the body of energy and material, excess or deficient, cold and hot; by understanding the function of each organ and their relationship with one another, we can harmonize and heal.
Fire cupping is when a practitioner uses the flame to create suction at the site where the cup and skin meet. This creates a pulling sensation and can release muscles tension, break up blood stasis, remove dampness and create new and improved circulation.
Herbology is the understanding of the benefits of individual herbs and combining them to create effective formulas. After understanding a patients situation, the practitioner can prescribe herbs that they will be able to make at home easily by just adding water.
What we treat:
Common cold
Chest pain
Digestive issues
Skin problems
Menstruation issues
Fertility problems
Mental illness
75 minute Initial Visit - $135
60 minute Subsequent Visit - $120